Today's thankful Thursday has a slightly somber feel. Today I am thankful for my family's health and safety, but I cannot forget that SO many others are not as fortunate. Last night a history-making outbreak of tornadoes ripped across 5 states leaving behind a vast sea of devastation and death. Right now the body count is about 280, but that is almost certain to rise. The clean-up and rebuilding is going to cost more money than I can fathom, and require a lot of people working together.
I am thankful that we have agencies that are already at work in helping the victims and that we are blessed to be in a country that has the resources to respond quickly to emergencies. I'm thankful that every American citizen can do SOMETHING to help and not have to just watch the footage and feel helpless. If we're close enough, we can lend a hand, give of our time and talents. If we're too far away, we can contribute monetarily and/or send supplies. And I'm thankful for the American spirit of unity that can put all bias and prejudice aside in times like this and simply reach out brother to brother. I'm so grateful for this amazing country we have, and the citizens that make it something special.
My heart goes out to all the victims and their families, my prayers are with those who were affected by these storms (tornadoes, flooding, etc), and my hope is that we will all find some way - large or small - to be a part of the solution and bless others.
Well said, friend!